Tuesday, February 11, 2020

California Housing Crisis and Corrective measures

Tech boom in the area led to the creation of hundreds of thousands of new jobs, this automatically created an increased need for housing but local government practically restricted building new houses. In San Francisco Bay area alone 400,000 new jobs were added but only 60,000 permits for new housing units were issued. This explains the wide gap created between the population and the number of housing units available. This is one state that has shown the highest median income growth and poverty rate simultaneously. The state of California has been struggling with the housing crisis on and off since 1970. Government and local authorities are partly to blame for this relentless housing crisis. Outdated zoning laws have turned the issue into America’s worst housing nightmare. 

Corrective measures: 

  • ADUs, Smaller units
  • Continuum of care 

Accessory Dwelling Units: 

The main corrective measure taken by the local government is the ADU trend. The government is urging people owning single-family houses to add an ADU or granny unit to their property. An ADU is a small unit that has all the facilities (and privacy) of a single-family house. It can be constructed in the backyard of the property, can be conjoined to the main house or separate. Even garage or basements can be turned into ADUs. This initiative has helped to some extent in coping with the relentless housing crisis. Many Contractors in Santa Clara are now offering special discounted packages for ADU projects. 

Getting a plan passed for an accessory dwelling unit is easier than getting a plan approved for a new house. If you submit an application for a new house’s plan, chances are it will end up being rejected. This has led to soaring property prices in the state and increased construction costs. Contractors in Santa Clara are also affected by this mayhem and struggling to survive in the market. 

Continuum of care: 

Continuum of care is a rental assistance program for affordable housing. It is a five-year plan to eradicate homelessness. This plan provides assistance in finding affordable housing and paying for it. This plan also includes mental health care and care for HIV positive individuals. 

Contractors in Santa Clara: 

The construction business is slow all over the state because the local government refuses to address the root cause of the issue, lack of new houses. Even if you get your construction plan for a new house approved, finding a skilled, experienced and affordable contractor in the midst of all this chaos, in Santa Clara can be difficult. People are taking their building/construction businesses to other states or leaving the industry altogether. If the Government won’t start approving plans for new houses, these crises can never be tamed. Breakthrough Builders are one of the few experienced builders left who can help you with all of your construction needs. They specialize in ADU construction and efficient utilization of small spaces.

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